At Telford Centre we strive to provide the best experience possible for all of our visitors.

We are aware that some of our visitors have additional needs and we have facilities in place to help make all visits as relaxed as possible.

Additionally, Telford Centre has excellent accessibility throughout the centre. All stores are located on one level with easy access from the train station, bus station and 7 onsite car parks. 

Below are details of our additional Accessible Facilities to help plan your visit and should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact a member of our Customer Service Team on 01952 238009.

Blue Badge Parking

Blue Badge holders get the first hour of parking free.

Register to obtain a Blue Badge Parking Pass at our Shopmobility Unit. There will be a £5 administration fee for registering and you will be issued with a Telford Centre Blue Badge Parking Pass. 

This pass can then be scanned at the car park machines to redeem 1-hour free parking when you visit, to help make your shopping experience as stress free as possible.

Only Blue Badge holders are eligible for this concession. Please note the Blue Badge Parking Pass is for the use of the named Blue Badge holder only.  Regular usage checks will be carried out and miss use of the parking pass will result with the card been withdrawn.  

If a Blue Badge Parking Pass is lost or stolen, please report this to the Shopmobility unit or call 01952 238005 to stop the card.  A new card can be issued and a £5 administration fee will be incurred.  The Blue Badge Parking Pass will expire in conjunction with the expiration of the registered Blue Badge.

Please note detail below:

Long Stay Car Park – Capped at £4.50, over 3 hours parking

Short Stay Car Park – Capped at £4.50, over 3 hours of parking

For further details please visit the Shopmobility Unit.

Shop Mobility

For those with limited mobility the Centre is able to provide a warm and friendly service to ensure all customers can enjoy their shopping experience.  Use of these facilities must be booked in advance of your visit.  All users must register before use of any equipment (personal ID will be required e.g. passport, driving licence or similar)

All users must register before use of any equipment (personal ID will be required e.g. passport, driving licence or similar) and a registration fee of £12 will be charged, please call or visit the Shopmobility unit for further details.  There is a nominal hire charge of £4 per session of up to 4 hours this includes scooters and power chairs and £3 hire charge for a manual chair hire.  

We do operate a visitor manual chair hire of £6 per session up to 4 hours or a scooter/power chair hire charge of £8 up to 4 hours, please contact Shopmobility for any further details.

Please note all equipment has to be returned to the Shopmobility unit 30 minutes before closing. 

The service will be available at the following days and times:

  • Monday: 9am - 5pm 
  • Tuesday: 9am-5pm 
  • Wednesday: 9am-5pm 
  • Thursday: 9am-5pm 
  • Friday: 9am-5pm 
  • Saturday: 9am-5pm
  • Sunday: 10.30am – 4.30pm

The Sat Nav postcode to direct you to the Shopmobility Unit and nearest car park is Short Stay 1 (TF3 4BN)

For more information please call 01952 238005

Quiet Room

Visit our Quiet Room, located within our Shopmobility Unit, and experience dimmed lighting and soft furnishings. The room also provides a quiet space for people affected by autism if they require some time out from a busy shopping environment.

Changing Places and Accessible Toilet Facilities

A Changing Places facility is located at Bus Station entrance toilets, with additional features including adjustable bed, hoist and accessible toilet.

Accessible toilets can be found in our facilities to the side of M&S and near Poundland.

Quiet Hour

We have a quieter time to shop on Saturday's, between 9.00am – 10.00am and Tuesday 16.00pm - 17.00pm each week and is designed to help provide more opportunities for shoppers who prefer a quieter environment to visit the centre.

During the Quiet Hour music and other noise in the mall environment is reduced and where possible in store tannoy announcements and other controllable noise is reduced. Light levels on the mall are also reduced where possible.

Autism Ambassadors

We have five team members who are Autism Ambassadors and have been trained to support customers affected by autism and raise awareness with our shoppers and retailers. Our Autism Ambassadors can be identified by their Autism Ambassador badges. Should you wish to speak with one of our Ambassadors during your visit then please visit our Customer Service Desk.

The Retreat

The Retreat Rooftop Garden provides a quiet space with a wide range of sensory experiences where visitors can immerse themselves in the scents, textures and colours of this relaxing space and take time out from the busy shopping environment. Designed for all customers to enjoy, The Retreat has been developed in close partnership with Telford Autism Hub.

Located on 3rd floor of the Next and Zara car park, by Frasers.

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